Wednesday 9 April 2014

Trockeneisstrahlen - Moderne Technik der Reinigung

Trockeneisstrahlen ist in großem Maße bei Reinigung von Flächen wie Dächer von Gebäuden verwendet , weil es ein schnelles Verfahren und hinterlässt keine Rückstände , diese Ergebnisse in effiziente Reinigung der Oberfläche .

Trockeneisstrahlen ist ein Verfahren zum Reinigen einer Oberfläche, wie Sandstrahlen , in dem beschleunigten Partikel auf einer Oberfläche , um sie zu reinigen gerichtet . Anstelle der Verwendung eines Schleifmaterials wird Trockeneis als Strahlmedium , das keinen Rückstand hinterlässt, verwendet .
Es ist eine bequeme und sichere Weise gegenüber Wischen mit Lösungsmittel oder Schrubben von Hand.

Sanierung, eine umweltfreundliche Methode der Reinigung stellt die historischen Strukturen der ursprüngliche Aussehen und Schönheit. Es ist sicher zu bedienen und hinterlässt keine gefährlichen Neben hinter sich. Das schöne Teil -Strahl ist , dass sie keine Flecken oder Kratzer auf der Oberfläche des Objekts oder der Struktur nicht zu vermitteln. Wo nichts funktioniert Trockeneisreinigung ist es , sie mit überraschenden Ergebnis zu reinigen. Es ist eine zeitsparende Methode und ist am besten für den industriellen und häuslichen Gebrauch .

 Moderne Technik zu reinigen und konservieren das ursprüngliche Aussehen der Struktur und auch die Umwelt-Verschmutzung frei zu halten gilt Trockeneisstrahlen . Diese Reinigungsmethode ist ein großer Erfolg in der heutigen Welt .
Oberflächen mit Verunreinigungen , Farbmarkierungen , alle Ölrückstände können durch trockene Sandstrahlen gereinigt werden. Es verursacht keine Beschädigung der elektrischen oder mechanischen Systeme in der Umgebung auch .

Monday 10 March 2014

Information related to cleaning your cloth dryer

You need to take out the drying equipment from the main machine for cleaning it thoroughly. You can do this conveniently by gently pulling out the dryer from the vent with the help of a lever. For your information, this equipment is about one and a half to two feet long. Additionally, you need to unscrew the vent and loosen the vent clamp.

·         Penetrate into the hole

When you remove the dryer vent from its usual location, you will find a hole in the place. This is exactly where the lint and build-ups get deposited. You are supposed to arrange for a wiper with a long and slender handle so that it can be inserted into the hole for digging out the depositions. Try to reach the farthest end of the hole with the help of this cleaning equipment.  If you have a vacuum cleaner in your home, you can consider yourself lucky. The vacuum cleaner nozzle can be effectively inserted into this hole for extracting all the build-ups present there. 

·         Cleaning the middle

In case you do not have a vacuum cleaner, you may find that there are lots of build-ups in the middle portion of the vent because it difficult to clean this portion with a long and slender wiper. Thus,  arrange for a plumbing snake. This apparatus will help you in reaching this critical portion of the dryer vent hole. If this appears still difficult for you, get hold of a cloth hanger. You will be astonished to see how this everyday use tool works wonders for you.


Monday 3 March 2014

Precautions to follow during renovation

Renovating your home or office becomes obvious after a time when the building loses its visual appeal. Sometimes renovation becomes necessary as part of regular maintenance too. 

But there is one more thing that is crucial simultaneous with renovation; it is the set of precautions that you need to follow during the process. 

We bring here information on some essential precautions that you must take while sanierung. Watch out!
·         Work place safety of laborers

Investigating the amount of safety the workplace offers to the workers who are engaged in the renovation work is of paramount importance. Say for instance, you need to check  if proper arrangement of safety  has been done for the roof workers by the renovation agency you have appointed. Likewise, investigate if the workers have been provided with proper eye gear  for the welding job for which they have been appointed.

·         Work safety

Always ensure that your belongings are properly protected before the renovation work gets started. Say for instance, you need to remove all the furniture and fixtures from a particular spot that is supposed to get painted and plastered. Such acts will assure that your belongings are not damaged during the process of sanierung

Similarly, use thick plastic sheets to cover your marbled or tiled floors to prevent them from getting stained due to paints and enamels. In case the workers are using hand tools and spray guns for painting the walls, make proper arrangements to prevent spreading of dust from the walls.  

Fo more info:

Thursday 30 January 2014

How Harder To Get Rid Of Some Odor Compared To Others

After you have found the source, use some dish washing soap to clean it and rinse using vinegar. This is simply because; the soap is a surfactant and helps to break down the surface tension while as vinegar is a mild acid which helps to kills the bacteria. You may as well consider using citric acid which is also another good neutralizer that wipes out bad smells such as onions and fish. Alternatively, you can choose anything that works as a surfactant to breakup fat or grease that bounds together the stinky compounds.

Odorneutralization (Geruchsneutralisation) can also be achieved by removing the moisture that carries the smell. It is worth investing in dehumidifiers to aid in taking out excess moisture from air. After that, fill a nylon stocking with dried coffee grounds, crushed plain charcoal or plain clay 
cat litter and hang it is properly in a room. It is worth noting that clay is fairly passive. However, coffee grounds give off a pleasant unique odor while as charcoal assist in trapping that particulate matter which carries the compounds that result to odor.